Saturday, January 7, 2012


If you're GAY, it's a SIN. If you're BISEXUAL, you're CONFUSED. If you're SKINNY, you're on DRUGS. If you're FAT, you look NASTY. If you're DRESSED UP, you're CONCEITED. If you SPEAK YOUR MIND, you're a BITCH. If you're NOT SAYING ANYTHING, you're DISTURBED. If you CRY, you're a DRAMA QUEEN. If you have MALE FRIENDS, you're a WHORE. If you have FEMALE FRIENDS, you're a PLAYER
No one can do anything without being CRITICIZED. We live in a society where people CAN'T SURVIVE if they're not JUDGING the next person...Before passing judgement, REMEMBER that you also are being judged by ALLAH, and HE knows your heart. Be KIND, LOVE each other despite FAULTS for we all have them.

I may not be proud of my past but I'm proud of the person I am becoming today and I will not change

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